Sunday, 9 December 2012

Chavez and Pacquiao


Mr. + Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela, has been like an ant compared to the elephant, which is the United states of America. Wikipedia writes, "Chávez describes his policies to be anti-imperialist, and he is a vocal critic of neoliberalism and laissez-faire capitalism more generally, Chávez has been a prominent adversary of the United States' foreign policy.[3]"

On the other hand, Mr. Manny Pacquiao, has been the fly in the ointment so to speak of the American-Mexican dominance of boxing in the United States' highly lucrative arena. He has since achieved highs in honor and respect, power and riches.

But the two popular personalities have reached a point of a forced and impending plateau in their careers. How they handle this kind of event in their lives is worth keen observation for everyone who wants instructions for his or her life.

Uncertain Fate or Destiny

The two well known personalities are currently in the news: Mr. Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela and Mr. Manny Pacquiao, the Filipino boxing great. Both are in a difficult, if not uncertain future. Mr. Chavez has been found to have his previous illness of cancer in the rebound and has to be operated on again. On the other hand Mr. Pacquiao suffered his first KO in his career.

Does God has something to do about these couple of situationsOf course He has. Saint or sinner, we are all His children. He has plans and purposes for both. He knows both persons, their fate and destiny. However, the enemy who is Satan, is lurking and always ready to thwart God's plan and purpose for someone. The enemy has his followers all over the two, (or all over everyone for that matter). They are easy picking when they don't have God in their lives.

In this dangerous, foreboding and unseen situation, only God can keep them from ruining the rest of their lives. I have been there, not that I am big and popular like the two, but in the sense that I have fallen away from God's embrace and protection. It's important that they call on Him first and foremost.

Looking into the future, Mr. Chavez and + Mr. Pacquiao, if ever they heed God's call, may not be as popular and rich as they were before, but will surely not have bitter regrets. For only in God we have all our treasures! I found that out when I was already of 56 calendar markers and have suffered both negative emotions and conditions like failures, fear, disappointments, uncertainty and anger and the like and positive things like success, men's honor and respect, love, peace, fulfillment, and security. It is a roller coaster ride. It was not good for me particularly and to the family as well.

But it is not so when you accept God's call, the start of life eternal, where one can savor God's infinite grace. God smooths out one's life toward the positive. If God has set you free from the power and effects of sin, yours or others', you are indeed free. As a result, you are now a temple of the Spirit of God, something not to be touch with a ten foot pole by Satan or his demons.


Mr. Manny Pacquiao, after all what he said about God's aversion to boxing, would still continue fighting. God's call came the first time. No one knows except him if succeeding call/s have been made. The KO lost to Marquez could be another call that he, Mr. Pacquiao, would not heed. Is the lure of money and the power arising from it makes it hard for him to stop fighting? God's word of advice in Luke 16: 13 is appropriate and timely.

Mr. Hugo Chavez has undergone his fourth surgery for his cancer malady. Since then he had complications with the last one occurring before the new year starts. His people and many others are offering their prayers. He himself may or may not be calling on his God! To be sure, God is waiting for him to acknowledge his mortality. To be sure he is accountable to God like all are.

1 comment:

  1. Note to readers: This is revised version of the original message.
