The Father is So Near
Anytime you want to talk to him he is just nearby to listen. You can ask him for advice; ask any question or for anything. For want of companionship or of a friend to commiserate with your sorrows or celebrate with your joys he is always ready. For want of a helper in anything you do, he will lend a helping hand. Teaching you His ways the Father so desires for He loves you. He will not want you to stray from the right path. For if you do harm is in your way.
The Father is helpful
He is not ready to disown you if you cross him or challenge his authority. Even after denigrating him, he will acknowledge you as his son and worthy of forgiveness and love. You can claim a promise he made, he will answer you if he thinks it would bring you benefit. Therefore be ready to answer his questions. Even these questions will bring to mind knowledge for a deeper understanding of things.
Wisdom and understanding comes from his mouth. Wisdom is one of the many tools that the father gives that you may do the right things for the right reasons. In fact it is the mother of tools in his bag or resources. It tells you how to use all other tools wisely, effectively and beneficially. Have you read about God giving King Solomon wisdom first before he gave other things like wealth and prestige?
You can have his Power and Authority too
God is generous with his power to his children. He knows they need it to fight off the devil and the world’s temptations and seductions. Bigger still is the authority given them to manage, husband and utilize essential things for life. As they use this authority to advance His work, God is more than willing to give more than sufficient power through His Spirit.
He Understands you Very Well
He knows you from head to toe. He knows your heart, the thoughts you have and what you desire. He is happy when you are happy; grieves when you are grieving; he suffers with your pain and heartaches. He is not to tell you, “I told you so” anytime soon or ever. He doesn’t number your sins and count them against you. God doesn’t quarrel with anyone especially with his children.
God only Works for your Good
He only has goodwill for His children. God manages to work out something good out of their misfortunes. This is the promise of the Scripture in Romans 8:28, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (ESV) And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. The story of Joseph is a good example he was sold as a slave by his envious and evil-intentioned brothers. God was with Joseph during this time of trouble; he made Joseph do good work with his master. As a result the latter made him his top administrator in his household. Even then the wicked wife of the master coveted for herself Joseph; the wife, being spurned by Joseph, accused Joseph of wrongdoing. This got the latter into trouble with his master, who caused Joseph to be imprisoned. Again God was with Joseph during this dark time. (Read the full story of Joseph in Genesis 37, 39-45)
God has a Plan For You
God has a plan for you. He treats you as He treats Christ, His firstborn. You are co-heir with Christ in God’s riches and treasures. This plan was from eternity for you along with many others; you are created to inherit it.
A Reminder
All these things I have written are true if you are in thoughts, words and actions a child of God. How would one know if he or she is one of God’s children? Read the Holy Scripture. It is story of Christ--the Word--who is sent from God. Christ has all the answers for all questions you need to ask.
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