Can we really believe the Bible? Or to some can we believe it as the Word of God?
There is one reason we can believe it. And that's prophecy. The Holy Bible commends itself as the Word of God. It is in fact the testimony of Christ, sent to us by God the Father. It’s a revelation of God and his creation; his plan for humanity from the beginning. The Bible can be summarized in a word: Christ. So Christ came to live the Word literally. And this testimony of Christ has the spirit of prophecy- meaning it predicts the future of mankind among others. Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you things now that when they happen you will believe me." He also said (in the Old Testament) that he declares the end from the beginning and his plan and purposes for all creation will not be thwarted.
The coming of Christ as a man was predicted 4000 years more or less in the first book of the Bible, Genesis. The (book of the) Prophets predicted the birth: (1) place (Bethlehem), the time (reign of Herod); the virgin birth (with Virgin Mary); (2) his life and ministry; (3) his death, (4) and his resurrection. In fact the Old Testament prophecies about Christ coming as Messiah or the Anointed One are all fulfilled in the New Testament. I have concluded that the Bible is the history of the universe - past, present and future - from creation to last day of all creation. The last day of the old creation will be the beginning of the new creation where: (1) sin and its consequences of pain and suffering, and (2) death will be no more.
In the book of Daniel of the Old Testament it predicted the empires of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. Rome later was divided into 10 but three were overthrown leaving 7 nations – Britain, France, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. History will tell us that three of these ten nations were overthrown by Papal Rome because they opposed the latter’s teachings about Christianity. (How’s that for someone to force somebody to believe one’s faith.) Out of the remaining seven nations came a state (or nation) that is different from all others - the Vatican state (Papal Rome). It's different in the sense that it has both secular or temporal powers (although this power was enforced in the past through kings, queens or monarchs of states) as well as ecclesiastical. In the last book of the Bible, Revelation, Vatican or papal Rome is the little horn or sea beast that wages war against the true believers of God .i.e., true Christians. History has again proven true this prophecy and is recorded as the Dark Ages when the Protestant
Reformers like Luther, Calvin, Knox, Jerome, Zwingli, Wycliffe, etc. were persecuted and many were burned at the stake because of their opposition to the Catholic Church. The book of Daniel foretold these nations including Vatican and all others will last until the last day when the Kingdom of God will overthrow them all. These the Bible predicted. Notice that from our viewpoint today the Bible narrative has a past, a present and a future.
There is another important prophecy from the Bible. The Vatican is portrayed as the antichrist. Take anti to mean covertly against or deceptively like counterfeit money. The latter deceives many for it looks the same as the original. This is true for the Roman Catholic Church system. They appear to be the true church (in fact they claim they are) but they are counterfeit in fact. She is in truth the front man of Satan, who gave her the throne, power and authority. However, in the last days preceding the overthrow of all nations the Vatican will be exposed as the antichrist – one truly opposing Christ and many people will get the surprise of their life. It will be too late however for billions of people to change their destiny.
Incidentally I was a Catholic for 55 years since birth. My parents and their parents and I am sure my great grandparents’ parents, were also Roman Catholics. It’s a good thing I got undeceived and got out of the Roman Catholic faith to save myself from Satan’s deception or grip. I would end up lost otherwise.
Actually the meaning of anti is in place of God (or substitute). The early popes claimed that they are substitutes of God (Vicarivs Filii Dei) on earth. (Count the Roman numerals which amount to 666. This is affirmed by the scriptures in the book of Revelation chapter 13). They place themselves in the place of God. The book of Daniel says Papal Rome will speak blasphemous words. Saying you are God on earth and you can forgive sin, Papal Rome proves true to what Daniel prophesied. This power state also thinks he can change the times and the laws of God. This she actually did when she removed the 2nd commandment (image worship), changed the fourth commandment with Sunday replacing Saturday or Sabbath; with the removal of the 2nd commandment they broke into two commandments the 10th to bring back the total to 10. This leaves the Roman Catholics breaking two of God’s laws involuntarily. They feel secure or safe when they are not if truth be told.
31st Anniversary of Medjugorje |
The biggest and present lie that is being presented as truth is the elevation of the Virgin Mary and the Pope to the level of Christ. As a result Christ is eclipsed in importance. In this manner the Pope and the Virgin Mary act as substitutes of Christ on earth. Either one is presented as a way to eternal life just like Jesus. This is Satan’s deception. However, Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Note that Jesus did not say I am a way, a truth, or a life. Rather He is the only way, the only truth and the only source of life (redemption).
Pope Delivers Blessings to Worshiping Crowd |
Read the Bible then to know the truth about where the earth and each individual will go. There are only two kinds of people: the saved and the condemned. Those saved will have a second life or eternal life. The other group when they die will have a second death. Let me explain. Every man dies once for we are mortal (both body and soul die) then the dead will rest on the grave and be resurrected for judgment although at different times. The righteous dead will be rewarded with eternal life; the condemned will be destroyed by fire from heaven, which is the eternal death or second death. (Incidentally I cannot find a scripture text that affirms the existence of hell at present where Satan is supposed to rule over wicked people being tormented. The Roman Catholic Church uses the presence of hell from the very beginning to scare people into submission to the Catholic faith. Many blaspheme God because of this doctrine.)
Let me add that those living when the last day comes (Judgment Day or Day of the Lord, which is Christ’s return) will have a divided fate: the righteous living, i.e. true believers, will be taken to heaven alive together with the resurrected righteous dead who were all the time resting in their grave (this includes the virgin Mary, John, Peter and all apostles, et al.) In contrast the unrighteous living - those left living after a great tribulation that precedes Christ’s return for God’s people - will be killed and destroyed and left on earth with no one to bury them. Thus the earth will be desolate of any living thing and return to its formless and void nature as in the beginning before creation of men and other living creatures. Satan will be left alone on the desolate earth with no one to tempt. He is virtually imprisoned. The unrighteous dead will remain dead for a thousand years when they will be resurrected to suffer the second death. Satan and his demons will suffer the same fate as the unrighteous. The hell fire from heaven not only kills all humans – the resurrected unrighteous dead - but will destroy all creation including all things on earth and the heavens. This will purify the heavens and the earth of sin and its consequences. God will make new the heavens and (same) earth. On this earth made new God the Father and the Son and all the redeemed will come down to live. This is our future as Christ reveals through the Word of God.
I recommend that you read the Holy Scriptures. In it you will trace history of mankind, you included, and the history of the heavens and earth and all things in them. Your present and future life is at stake. Seize this opportunity to make your destiny secure. You have two choices: God- empowered life or go on your own effort and counsel but virtually powerless to resist the influences of Satan and the fallen world.
As for me I have chosen to completely depend on God’s counsel and instruction as written in the Holy Bible. For He said in his Word that living with your own effort and counsel is tantamount to living dangerously and without safety. I have found this to be true.
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